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CLS Indonesia, Partner for Sustainable Fisheries

Celebrating CLS Indonesia's Remarkable Contribution to Sustainable Fisheries Support in the Indonesian Archipelago!

We are delighted today to highlight the committed work of CLS Indonesia in promoting sustainable fishing practices throughout the Indonesian archipelago.

As a trusted partner of the local authorities, particularly the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), CLS Indonesia plays a pivotal role in supporting the government's efforts to monitor fishing activities, CLS Indonesia plays a pivotal role in supporting the government's efforts to monitor fishing activities.

Through their innovative approach, CLS Indonesia has equipped nearly 2,000 fishing vessels with custom-developed satellite-based localization beacons.

These beacons serve as invaluable tools for regulatory tracking, ensuring compliance with fishing regulations and fostering responsible fishing practices. By providing accurate and real-time location data, CLS Indonesia empowers both authorities and fishermen to make informed decisions that protect our precious marine resources.

Furthermore, CLS Indonesia has extended its support to the Indonesian Fisheries Monitoring Center by implementing the cutting-edge THEMIS platform. This powerful monitoring tool enables comprehensive surveillance of maritime activities, bolstering the fight against illegal fishing. THEMIS has emerged as a crucial platform for ensuring sustainable resource management, safeguarding national sovereignty, and fostering a thriving and sustainable blue economy.

The dedication and expertise demonstrated by CLS Indonesia in advancing sustainable fisheries in Indonesia are truly commendable. By facilitating regulatory compliance, combating illegal fishing, and promoting responsible resource management, we are proud to make a significant contribution to the long-term viability of our national marine ecosystems.

Together, we can ensure a brighter future for both the Indonesian fishing industry and our invaluable marine resources. CLS Indonesia: For Earth, From Space



+62 21 26962650

Graha Mobisel, Jl. Warung Buncit 139, Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan

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