Our solutions

Vessel Fleet Monitoring System for
Shipping, Fisheries, Oil&Gas, Mining, Transport...
Secure, monitor, anticipate, optimize, report your vessel fleet activities and your maritime operations

Vessel Fuel monitoring for
Shipping, Oil & Gas, Mining, Transport, ...
Monitor, report and ensure the fuel consumption and the bunkering of your vessels is accurate

LRIT compliance and Data Centre for
Ship owners, Maritime Authorities...
Get certified LRIT compliance test, manage and operate LRIT flag data centre
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Ground motion monitoring (InSAR) for
Mining, Oil&Gas, Civil engineering, Geohazards...
Monitor, secure your strategic ground surface motion and displacement, get historical analysis

Metocean services for
Oil & Gas, Mining, Port civil engineering...
Collect meteorological and oceanographic data in support of your coastal and offshore project

Coastal science engineering for
Coastal and port civil engineering, authorities...
Get the support and expertise for your dredging, offshore sand mining, bank stabilization, port infrastructure project...
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Meteorology systems and services for
Authorities, Ports, Shipping, Oil&Gas, Mining...
Implement meteorological systems, outsource maintenance and support services, onboard bulletins

Wind energy expertise services for
Wind energy contractors, producers, investors...
Estimate the AEP (Annual energy production), monitor and forecast the production in all terrains, offshore and onshore
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Maritime Domain Awareness for
Defence, Maritime Authorities, Law enforcement...
Understand, prevent, manage, control the events and activities occurring at sea
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Search & Rescue Centre for
Authorities, Defence, Maritime industries...
Ensure the safety of the ships in their Search & Rescue (SAR) areas and rapid response in case of an incident
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VMS compliance and Fishing monitoring for
Ship owners, Maritime Authorities...
Get certified VMS, manage and operate all fishing activities through Fishing Data Centre (FMC)
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IUU fishing detection services for
Authorities, NGO's, local governments, ...
Monitor fishing activities, detect Illegal, Unreported, Undeclared (IUU) fishing activities, get automatic alerts and reports

Fishing traceability and monitoring for
Ship owners, fisheries, NGO's, authorities...
Increase your revenue through traceability support data, monitor the temperature chain of your catch
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Fishing recommendation for
Ship owner, fisheries, NGO's, authorities...
Manage, optimize, anticipate fishing activities with marine ecosystem models, forecast, hindcasts
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Pollution & environment impact mitigation for
Authorities, NGO's, Oil & Gas, Mining, Industries...
Monitor Maritime Protected Area, Detect oil spills pollution and polluter, Model marine pollution drift
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Wildlife monitoring for
Scientist, NGO's, Authorities...
Forestry, mangrove, agriculture monitoring for
Authorities, NGO's, agro-industries, ...
Monitor, map forestation, deforestation, mangrove plantation, crops, get historical analysis

Land transport and mobility monitoring for
Trucks owners, NGO's, cities,...
Secure, monitor, anticipate, optimize, report your truck fleet activities and your land operations